Following some recent research and general reading of the medical material that comes across my desk daily, it has made me reflect on the more important things around my chosen profession such as trust, compassion, dedication, resilience and courage.
I realise that the bravest of all are actually the patients. For them to put their trust in medical professionals to make decisions that are right and good is challenging and admirable and this occurs on a daily basis.
We are so blessed to have a medical system that does not abuse this gift. Seeing the difference that a smile or kind word can make to a person’s wellbeing is profound and I hope it’s something we all can remember to do for one another in this busy stressful world we live in.
I will take this experience back to my skin practice. The underlying philosophy of aliangé skincare is the dedication I have to make a difference to those who put their trust in me as a medical professional. Thus the impact of stress and different skin responses is a timely theme for this months newsletter!